Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Effect of Deforestation on Natural Damage

   Forest is a place That has biodiversity (biodiversity) is quite high, where there is a diversity of ecosystem types and genetic variability of animals, plants, and microorganisms That live in it interacting with abiotic stresses. According to its function, forests are Divided Into That two protected forests and forest conservation. Protected forest is a forest with a natural state That is enabled to manage the water system, Prevent erosion, and flooding and maintain both the fertility of land. conservation of natural forests and AIMS to preserve protect Certain types of Ecosystems and Ensure the stability of plants and animals.   The high rate of population growth lead to the utilization of natural resources and encourage the transfer of control of land use. Our forests have been exploited on a large scale by the employers of HPH (Rights of Forest Entrepreneurs), the permit holder the right of use of forest products (HPHH), timber license holders (IPK), and other quality worsens.

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